Make the Holiday Season Stress-Free with these 9 Tips!


Why does it seem as though the time goes by even faster during the holiday season? I spend so much time getting ready for the holidays and always look for different ways I can make the most out of my time. Every year after the holidays I come up with time-saving ideas and think, "why didn't I think of that earlier?!"

Here is a list of a few tips and tricks I have learned over the years to help you feel like you're conquering the holidays:

  1. Use blue painters tape to hang all of your favorite holiday decorations without worrying about damaging your wall paint.
  2. To prevent your wreath from falling off every single time you close the door- attach a command hook upside down on the opposite side to secure the wreath.                   
  3. Put frosting into squeezable condiment bottles for easy and mess-free cookie decorating!                                                                                                               
  4. Pass on the stress of last-minute cooking by making some dishes beforehand and putting them in the freezer. On the day of your get-together, take them out to thaw and reheat! 
  5. Avoid trying to untangle a string of lights by wrapping them around a hanger for easy, tangle-free storage.
  6. Travel without all of the extra bulk over the holidays by giving gift cards. Still need one? We've got you covered with Sticks gift cards
  7. Make a batch of hot chocolate in a crockpot. It will be large enough for the whole family to enjoy!    
  8. Rather than throwing away your empty boxes from your rolls of tin foil, decorate them and use them to gift Christmas cookies. 
  9. Give your home a festive smell by putting some water in a pot with some cinnamon and clove, bring it to a boil and enjoy the cozy Christmas smells!

We hope you can put these tips to food use this holiday season and spend less time stressing and enjoy more time with family and friends.

Do you have any holiday tips or tricks? Comment them below, we would love to hear about them. :) 

Thank you to for the wonderful photos! :)

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